Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, a world-renowned leader, scholar, philosopher, poet, and educator, was celebrated on Wednesday, his 126th death anniversary.
Sir Syed, born in Delhi in 1817, is credited with pioneering modern Muslim education in the subcontinent. He dedicated his life to the advancement of the Muslim community.
He founded the Aligarh Movement, which served as the foundation for the Pakistan Movement.
Syed Ahmed Khan formed a scientific organization in Ghazipur in 1864. This society was formed to promote the translation of Western knowledge materials into Urdu. He also began publishing Tehzeeb-ul-Akhlaq in 1870 to instill modern consciousness in Muslims.
This was the primary goal and attitude that drove him to create Madrasat-ul-Uloom, then Mohammedan Oriental College in Aligarh, which subsequently became Aligarh Muslim University.
Sir Syed died in 1898 in Aligarh, India.